Didgeridoos for sale. Didjeridu and yidaki to suit all purposes.
Quality instrumental didgeridoos, traditional yidaki and beginners didgeridoo. All available here at the online Didgeridoo Market where you can buy and sell didgeridoos

Key C. 4 didj rating
Easy to play suitable for beginner, But also awesome vocals nice resonance
138cm Good medium mouthpiece.A good didj player will really get some awesome sounds from this didgeridoo.
Mulu didgeridoo 2019

AUD $500
Didj No, 1011

Key C#. 3 didj rating
126 cm Medium didj
Not so easy to play for a beginner. But sound much better than average shop didj. Not a lot of back pressure and shape of throat requires air volume to keep it singing Suit Good player
Mulu didgeridoo 2019
AUD $450
Didj No, 1012

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Key E
Nice rhythm didj. Suit for fast rhythmic playing .
Vocals ok but not brilliant.
Nice looking didj
Shorter than others
at 119 cm
AUD $450
Didj No, 1013

Didj No, 1014

Key D
TOP didgeridoo
Will not regret this one.
Nice Nice Nice
clear vocals
This didj painted by Wendy Munungurra
AUD $650

Didj No, 1015

Key C#.
Very nice didj . Like its sister to the left easy to play , ALIVE fresh Full resonating sound with clear vocals
AUD $550
Didj No, 1016

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Key C
Might be a bit harsh giving it a 2 didj rating.
Its a nice low deep sounding C slow drone.
Didgj is light 140cm.
Intricate art but artist unkown
AUD $350

Didj No, 1017

Key C#
TOP didgeridoo
Will not regret this one.
Nice Nice Nice
clear vocals
This didj painted by Wendy Munungurra
AUD $700

Didj No, 1018

AUD $700
Key Eb
Very nice didj . Like its sister to the left easy to play , ALIVE fresh Full resonating sound with clear vocals
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Didj No,
1017 + 1018
This is a pairing of the two previous didgeridoo
Didj perfomers
This is all you need .
Fast and slow
Rhythm Pump and
Drone soother
Alive and crisp
Deep and mellow
Great vocal clarity on both. .
AUD $1,100


Within Australia $60​
Outside Australia $180 per didj
Special rates apply for more than 3 didgeridoos
Didj No, 1019

Didj No, 1020

Small didgeridoo 80 -90 cm
These two play better than your average shop didgeridoo of this size.
However they have been painted by well known Aboriginal artist Eddie Blitner
Beautiful little didgeridoos
AUD $360 each
Didj No, 1021

Didj No, 1022

Same as previous two didgeridoo painted by Eddie Blitner. except the one on the right Didj no. 1022 is a little longer and plays pretty good. The bends in didj produce a comfortable back pressure for someone learning to circular breath
It has very intricate detailed rarrk crosshatch artwork . Quite a stunning little didgeridoo
AUD $360 each
Didj No, 1023
Didj No, 1024

These small size blanks will surprise you. I selected these out of a bunch of about 20. similar blanks. Both around 1 meter Key Eb and D. On small size but didj 1023 Is above average all-round didj. Surprised me.
Didj 1024 medium quality not as clean as one next to it. But great for a didj of this size and weight.
Both good traveler's
Not paying for any art here
great value for money
AUD $250 each

Didj No, 1025
Didj No, 1026
Again.. very humble looking pair . Both small light weight didj's perfect for on the go. The first didj 1025 is key F# high huming fast drone. and its brother didj 1026 because of length to diameter ratio is a key of B deep low slow sound with surprisingly clean vocals. Blown away by this didj not not expect what came floating out of this one.
AUD $250 each